Whale Shark Tour
Whale Shark Tour
Whale Shark Tour
Whale Shark Tour
Tour Tiburón Ballena

Whale Shark Tour

Cancun yachts for rent offers you whale shark swim tours in 26 feet boats that have the permits for this activity in a natural protected area.

We offer tours departing from Punta Sam terminal in the Cancun area, from Holbox Island and from Isla Mujeres.

The duration of the tour departing from Holbox has an average of 7 hours and the duration  departing from the other destinations 6 hours.

The tours departing from holbox include snorquel equipment,  fruit, sodas, swimming and then a stop at cabo catoche with ceviche.

Departure at 7 am and return at 2 pm.

Tours departing from punta sam only go to the swimming area which is located on the east side of Contoy island and return, but we include lunch on board drinks and snorkel equipment.

Departure at 8 am and return at 2 pm.


Departing from holbox $ 3,000 MXN per person

Departing from pUnta sam $ 2,400 MXN per person

Departing from Isla Mujeres $ 2,200 MXN per person

Booking Tour

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